BASE Associates Inc. – Social, Environmental & Philanthropic
Social and Environmental Performance
BASE Associates Inc. publicly shares information on our social and environmental performance annually from our website.
Question: What social and environmental programs do you have in place? How do you measure the performance of those programs?
Answer: At BASE, we have set measurable goals to ensure that we are achieving our social and environmental objectives. For Brent’s home office, water, natural gas and electricity usage are monitored monthly. The business portion of the natural gas for the house is offset through Bullfrog Power. The electricity for Brent’s entire home is monitored and offset entirely through Bullfrog Power each month. The goal is to consistently decrease usage of water, natural gas and electricity over time. Flight miles for business trips for all team members traveling for business purposes are fully offset through
As the company grows, all new team members who are working at least 50% of their time for the company are encouraged to offset their home office natural gas and electricity usage. They are also encouraged to consistently decrease usage over time.
As a new initiative this year, BASE is now offsetting the electricity usage of any facilitation venue. Events are tracked and approximate square footage is calculated and offset with Bullfrog Power.
A new tree planting initiative for 2020 is being investigated. All coaching hours completed throughout the year will be tracked and BASE will plant a tree for each of those hours.
BASE has an advisory board that reviews the team’s performance across a variety of categories including environmental and social performance.
Question: What specific quantifiable social or environmental outcomes are made public?
Answer: Our social and environmental philosophy and programs are made public through this website. We will gladly discuss our outcomes with anyone who inquires.
In 2019 our social and environmental performance scorecard was as follows:

Home office electricity, gas and water usage trends:
Question: What are the company’s targets and how do you share progress towards those targets?
Answer: As part of our company’s purpose, BASE strives to do business with companies focused on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We track the number of SDG-related companies we serve each year in each area of our business. This number is tracked quarterly and reviewed by the team twice per year.
Question: Does your company screen or evaluate significant suppliers for social and environmental impact?
Answer: Our primary suppliers are venues we utilize for workshops/offsite retreats and the caterers that service those venues. We attempt to work with suppliers that share our company’s philosophies around the Environment and Social programs within our communities. The following are questions we use to screen our suppliers to ensure their vision and business practices align with ours.
- Is your company a certified B Corp or do you have other certifications related to positive social and environmental performance?
- Describe your venue’s philosophy on the environment and what you are doing to help.
- How does your venue demonstrate sustainable practices?
- What does your venue do to promote arts, culture, social programs, etc. in your community?
- What are your philosophies on diversity, equity and inclusion?
Preferred Venue Partners:
- Is your company a certified B Corp or do you have other certifications related to positive social and environmental performance?
- What measures do you take to ensure that you are moving towards zero waste?
- Is your food sourced locally?
- What are your philosophies on diversity, equity and inclusion?
- Is your food preparation facility ‘Green’?
Preferred Catering Partners
While we endeavour to ensure that we are working with reputable suppliers, and we ask the questions outlined above, we do not have a verification process in place.
BASE Associates Inc. - About Us
Question: Who has beneficial ownership of BASE Associates Inc.?
Answer: Brent & Sharon Lowe
Question: Who are the members of the BASE Board of Directors?
Answer: Brent & Sharon Lowe
Question: Does the company produce financials that are reviewed or audited by the Board?
Answer: BASE financials are reviewed at the annual board meeting every December.
BASE Associates Inc. - Giving Back
Question: Does BASE Associates Inc. have a formal donations commitment?
Answer: BASE is a member of 1% for the Planet. In 2019 we will donate approximately $3000, or 1% of total revenue to environmental and social causes aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Question: Do you allow your team members or clients to select charities to receive your company’s donations?
Answer: Full-time BASE team members select a subset of charities and then BASE team members and clients contribute to allocating funds between the selected charities.
Question: Do you have screening practices for charitable contributions or impact measurement mechanisms for your community investments?
Answer: Charitable Donations made to 1% for the Planet partners are vetted by that organization. According to 1% for the Planet:
“Any environmental nonprofit who becomes a partner in our network must be referred by a 1% for the Planet member, or our staff. This referral is the first layer of our approval process. We then verify their necessary nonprofit registration, and confirm the organization has sound financials. We ensure the environment is the primary focus of all approved nonprofits by having them complete an application, which assesses mission, program/projects, areas of impact and other factors. A nonprofit is invited to join the network if it passes these initial checks.”
Prior to making any charitable contributions outside of the 1% for the Planet network, we have a screening practice in place to ensure our donations are going to reputable sources that are using the money donated as intended.
For new charities we consider making contributions to, we initially check to see if the Charity exists on the BBB Charity Review Program . This program reviews the ethical practices and accountability of charities in Canada. Their Charity Review reports are based on an evaluation of BBB Wise Giving Alliance’s 20 Standards for Charity
Accountability, which set guidelines for best practices in governance, measuring effectiveness, financial management, and fundraising and communications.
We look for charities that evaluate their effectiveness directly and there must be evidence in their annual reports. We question the charity directly about its successes and look for information on whether the organization uses independent auditors to benchmark its performance. We want to know where they have succeeded as well as failed.
Question: What are your company’s intended social and environment impact from your philanthropy?
Answer: As a practice, we prefer to donate to charitable organizations whose mandate aligns with the work we support in the SDG areas of climate change, mental health, and education. In many cases, we try to be directly involved and contribute not only financial support, but volunteer time and effort in addition.